The Seven Traits You Will Need to Lead a Team

Almost all successful teams share a common thread and that is loyalty and commitment to the task or tasks at hand.  But a word of caution: Simply because you have the authority to build a team does not mean that authority alone will be enough to get the job done.  You will need to inspire and motivate the team you are creating to accomplish and even surpass the goals that lie before you.

Steps You’ll Need to Take

  1. Clear what obstacles you can. When teams know leaders are leading them and working for their success, individuals are inspired to do their share.   When you stay calm and focused, others sense that.  Hand-wringing does little to change processes; it is action and calm thought that carry the day.
  2. Layout the steps that are necessary for the team to succeed, and ask for team input on the processes that are ultimately adopted. In this way, everyone feels valued and like a contributor to the ultimate goal.
  3. Establish a chain of command. Good teams work as a group and individuals on the team consult with the group before taking action on their own.
  4. Borrow from what military organizations have learned. In the military, leadership qualities are formed in a progressive and sequential series of carefully planned training, educational and experiential events.  Additionally, military leaders tend to hold high levels of responsibility and authority in the early stages of their careers.  Emphasize to your own staff the roles they hold in the “chain of command,” and why their role is important in the corporate culture.
  5. As a leader of the team, share in the hard work. George Washington knew this and practiced it to perfection.  He stayed with his men at Valley Forge and never hesitated to charge to the front of the line to encourage his soldiers or show them the way.  In so doing, he earned their life-long respect.
  6. Share your knowledge and experience with your team. People respect leaders who, if necessary, can contribute knowledge of processes and procedures because those leaders have, in fact, worked their way up to the positions they now hold.
  7. Stress the need for flexibility in the face of challenges, all while keeping an eye on the ultimate goal of obtaining the success of the team.

For Success in Building Your Leadership Teams, Contact Salem

 Salem has the contacts and experience you can count on to help you grow.  Our award-winning service has earned industry-wide recognition.  Contact us today or call us at (866) 80-SALEM.


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