5 Effective Virtual Team Building Activities You Can Do Today!

The rapid expansion of the remote workforce is forever changing the landscape of how employees do their jobs. For many companies, remote work is the way of the future and for good reason. It allows employees to balance their worklife and their professional life more easily while at the same time being more productive and efficient team members. If your team is working remotely, it is important to keep them engaged and collaborating. Implementing virtual team-building activities will help keep your team connected, but does require creativity. Let’s take a look at five fun and effective virtual team building activities that you can implement today!

1. Company Ice Breaker 

This teambuilding exercise is a great way to break the ice and allow team members to learn what each other enjoys the most about the company. Come up with a set of questions that all have to do with favorite things at work. For instance, “What is your favorite thing about remote work?” or “What is your favorite thing about your specific job?”. Give each person a chance to answer the question. This is an especially helpful exercise if you have new team members. 

2. Match the Fact with the Team Member 

This is another fun exercise that allows your team to get to know each other better. Have each employee submit one or two fun facts about themselves that most people do not know. During the meeting, read each fact out loud and have the team guess which member the fact belongs too. You can do this whether your employees know each other well or not. 

3. Where are You From? 

In many instances, knowing someone’s backstory can help you understand them better as a person and as a colleague. Using a collaborative virtual map, have each member place a pin on the place they were born. Then allow that member to tell a little bit about where they grew up and what brought them to where they are now. 

4. Take a Coffee Break 

Sometimes you just need a few minutes to get away from all of it and bond as people rather than employees. Set aside 15-30 minutes and ask your team to join a virtual meeting with a cup of coffee or beverage of their choosing. Designate this as a time to discuss anything, whether it be work-related or personal related.  

5. Virtual Game 

Allow your team to build camaraderie by playing a game. This could be anything from a virtual trivia game to a virtual board game. You can even switch it up every week and allow team members to each take a turn picking the game for the week.  

Bonus Tip! 

When it comes time to find your next team member, trust the premier call center staffing agency in Florida to find the perfect candidate to mesh with your existing team! Salem Solutions takes an in-depth approach to thoroughly understanding your unique staffing needs and then finding exactly what you are looking for! Contact a staffing specialist today! 

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