The onset of COVID-19 not only forced many people to have to work from home, but also closed daycares and transitioned schools to virtual learning. This sudden change means that many individuals have found themselves trying to juggle work, help school–aged children with assignments, and watch young toddlers and infants all in the course of a day. How do you effectively manage your kids while working from home? These tips will help you successfully navigate these unchartered waters.
Pick a Strategy for Your Family
Every family is different. The strategy that works best for you will depend on several factors, including:
- Your family’s lifestyle
- The age of your children
- Your children’s personalities
- The demands of your job
Keep a Regular Schedule
It can be tempting to sleep in late or lounge around when working from home and with your kids doing virtual school. However, both you and school-age children need to keep a normal routine of getting up at the time you would get ready to go work, getting dressed, eating breakfast, etc. This helps get you and your children in the right mindset.
Have a Plan for the Day
Set aside blocks of time that you will focus solely on your work and blocks of time that you will be available to help your children with their schoolwork. If you have kids younger than school age, try and schedule your work and meetings around their naps.
Plan Independent Activities
Whether your children are school age or not, plan independent activities throughout the day. This allows your children to learn how to work or entertain themselves without your undivided attention. At the same time, you will be able to count on valuable time to get work done.
Talk with Your Children
Discuss with your kids the situation. Explain your expectations when it comes to work and their school or playtime, depending on their age. It is important to set boundaries so that everyone gets what they need out of the day.
At the beginning of each day, prioritize your tasks. Make sure to get the most pressing ones out of the way first; that way, if things do not go according to plan later in the day, you will not be as stressed out.
Find the Perfect Job for Your Lifestyle
It can be a major adjustment working from home while caring for your kids at the same time. These tips will help you not only survive but thrive. Whether you are looking for a change or ready to get back in the workforce, let Salem Solutions help you find the perfect job. The premier staffing agency in Florida will match your skillset and career goals with compatible job opportunities. Contact us today!