The goal of every call center’s hiring program is to attract high-quality candidates who will stay for the long haul. The need to constantly hire new employees due to a high turnover rate is costly in terms of money and time. Apart from a competitive salary, the key is to offer benefits that employees value. Benefits have become just as important of a consideration for job seekers as the salary. Which benefits should your call center focus on? Let’s look at the most sought-after benefits of 2021 that top talent want to have in their next call center position.
Paid Time Off
All employees need time away from work to relax, unwind, and perhaps take a vacation or two. Offering paid time off is crucial, especially for stressful call center roles. The amount of time each employee receives can be based on how long they have been there. For instance, new employees may start with two weeks a year, while veterans may have four weeks of paid time off a year. Of course, you can always simplify things and offer a standard amount of paid time off regardless of how long an employee has been with you.
Understandably, people want time off when they either have a child or adopt one into their family. Offering paid maternity, paternity, and adoption leave in addition to standard vacation time is a massive bonus to prospective candidates. Candidates who plan to start a family may shy away from a position that does not offer leave for the birth or adoption of a child.
Medical Insurance
Nobody wants to be strapped with the financial burden of out-of-pocket medical bills. Offering medical insurance for employees and their families is an expectation for most job seekers. In many cases, candidates would prefer to take a slight cut in salary to receive better health care benefits.
Pet Insurance
In recent years more and more companies are offering pet insurance as a benefit. Pets are an essential part of people’s lives. They offer companionship and emotional support to those of all ages, and let’s face it; They are a part of the family. Veterinary care can quickly become a financial burden should their four-legged friend become seriously ill. The option of pet insurance is a huge plus when included in your benefits package.
Snack Bar
Sometimes it is the little things. Surprisingly, one of the benefits employees appreciates the most is a company-supplied snack and coffee bar in the office that can be enjoyed during their breaks. Employees must understand the generosity is not to be taken advantage of (e.g., taking snacks home). In an ideal world, employees will be considerate and self-regulate their usage. If not, a gentle reminder may be all that is needed. In a busy call center, having a break station equipped with snacks provides your employees with a place to get a quick break and come back rejuvenated.
Ability to Work Remotely
Thanks to COVID-19, employees have found the value of working from home. Many call center employees grew accustomed to working remotely. They do not have to worry about a long commute and can work from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Although it is not always possible to allow staff to work from home, even offering partial remote work options is a huge bonus. Consider providing the needed equipment to work from home, such as a laptop.
Flex Schedule
There is a growing trend towards employees placing great importance on balancing family and work. Allowing for a flex schedule helps team members find that perfect balance. For instance, let’s say an employee’s child has a sports event in the afternoon. A flex schedule means the employee can come in earlier in the morning to make up for the time they will miss because of the sports event. Giving the option of working around important family events is a benefit potential candidates want to see when applying for jobs.
Another option to add as a part of the flex schedule is to give employees a four-day workweek and a three-day weekend. It’s another way to help staff enjoy a work-life balance.
Well-Being Perks
Employees who are mentally and physically healthy will be more productive, happier, and tend to stay longer. The size of your company will depend on your options for offering employees well-being perks. If your call center is large enough, you may be able to have an on-site fitness facility and in-house counseling available to your employees. However, if you have a smaller call center, this may not be a feasible option. If this is the case, you may be able to work out a deal with a local fitness gym and counselor to provide discounted services to your team.
Education Scholarships
Top candidates are always interested in bettering themselves, primarily through education. To attract and keep top employees, it is advisable to offer some type of education scholarship or stipend that team members can take advantage of to further their education while working at the call center.
Many companies are willing to fund their employees’ education if they agree to stay with the company for an agreed-upon time, usually five years.
Do Your Benefits Attract Top Talent?
Trends do change, but certain benefits have been steady through the years. One of the best ways to make sure that you are on trend with your benefits is to ask current call center employees which benefits they like and what their wish list is.
Looking to Hire Top Talent? Salem Solutions Can Help!
When it comes time to hire your next team member, it is crucial to make sure they are a good fit for the culture of your call center. Salem Solutions is the nation’s most trusted staffing agency and specializes in call center staffing. Contact us today and let us help you make the right hire the first time!