What You Need to Know About NPS Scores and How It Helps to Measure Call Center Success

What You Need to Know About NPS Scores and How It Helps to Measure Call Center Success

A net promoter score (NPS) measures how likely a customer is to recommend a brand to someone else. The score runs on an index of -100 to 100 and measures the overall satisfaction and loyalty of a customer. You can use your NPS to improve your products or services and grow your business through referrals. This enhances your company’s customer base and long-term success.


Learn how to calculate your NPS to enhance your call center’s effectiveness.


Create an NPS Survey

Use a customer experience management platform or NPS software to gain a comprehensive picture of your customers. You can use the NPS data to determine which touchpoints have high NPS scores and which have lower scores. This provides a basis for the areas that need improvement.


Include as few questions as possible in your NPS survey. You may want to begin with demographic questions about age, gender, or income to create segmentation during your research and analysis. However, avoid these questions if you can gather the data from your customer relationship management (CRM) software, customer database, or other source.


After asking the customer how likely they are to recommend your company to someone else, request the reason for the score. This lets you uncover the drivers for promoters and detractors. You may want to save time by using a text analysis tool to create structured data pieces that are easy to manage and interpret.


Find out how you could make the customer experience better. This is especially helpful if you plan to do closed-loop follow up and customer ticketing. You will be better able to continue customer conversations and resolve issues by responding to the feedback. As a result, your customers should be more loyal to your company and your staff more satisfied with their jobs. This increases your customer lifetime value, brand equity, and employee retention.


Ask to follow up with your customer. Keep in mind that not everyone will want to discuss their issue. If you cannot access the customer’s email or phone number from another system, be sure to ask for it.


Calculate Your NPS

Begin calculating your NPS by giving your customers a scale of 0-10 and asking how likely they are to recommend your product or service to a friend or colleague. Then, categorize their answers into three groups:

  • Promoters (9-10) are satisfied with your product or service, likely to recommend your company to others, and should continue their loyalty to your organization. They make up the majority of business referrals and contribute to company growth.
  • Passives (7-8) are somewhat satisfied with your product or service but may buy from a competitor. They are unlikely to refer your company or engage in adverse word-of-mouth advertising.
  • Detractors (0-6) are dissatisfied with your product or service, are unlikely to refer your company, and may impact your brand’s reputation through negative word-of-mouth advertising.

Next, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. Your answer will be between -100 and 100. This is your NPS.

Find Employees That Positively Impact Your NPS!

The right people can help your company reach new levels of customer satisfaction. Need help finding great employees? We can help! Get in touch today!

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