How to Level Up Your Government Call Center for Future Success

When the coronavirus pandemic began, government call centers were overwhelmed by high demand.  This left customers and employees feeling frustrated. Hold times were extensive. Many customers’ questions went unanswered when the customers no longer could wait to speak to an agent. Many agents were upset because they continued to deal with frustrated callers. Thanks to advances in technology and human-centered design, government call centers are becoming modernized. Due to the shifts already occurring, dramatic improvement is possible for your government call center.


The following information can help you update your government call center for increased effectiveness.


Components of a Reimagined Government Call Center

Running an effective government call center requires a deep understanding of user needs and the appropriate use of technology. The process should include the following three components:

  • A customer experience hub that provides quality service through multiple channels. Options have to include omnichannel touchpoints and automated no-touch processes.
  • A technology-powered agent cockpit where integrated workflows gather information from all touchpoints. The smart routing options help agents better process the calls.
  • A secure technology foundation that supports emerging tools. This operates from a cloud-based platform.


Shifts in Government Call Center Design

There are seven significant shifts impacting the future of government call centers:

  • Changing from a cost center to an experience hub. Rather than getting the callers off the phone as quickly as possible, the agents aim to solve problems and make the customers happy. This increases satisfaction and decreases costs.
  • Moving from a call center to a contact center. The center provides two-way communication through phone, text, email, website, and mobile services.
  • Evolving to automated and automatic self-service. Seamless no-touch and low-touch technology solutions can deliver quality service at low cost.
  • Shifting to technology-supported human interactions. When customers need to interact with a human, the agent has the information and tools they need to deliver a solution.
  • Changing to integrated information and workflow. Customer information is stored in one location for agents to easily access on demand.
  • Providing a better employee experience. Additional training, greater flexibility, and a more satisfying work environment enhance the employee experience.
  • Moving to empathetic technology. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and design combine the efficiency of technology with the warmth of human understanding.


Next Steps in Government Call Center Updates

The public leaders responsible for government call centers often have the following four concerns about moving forward with the updates:

  • How can we afford this? Federal COVID-19 funding and surplus state revenues may help with the upgrades.
  • Do we have the skills to make this happen? Understanding the contact center experience from a front-end customer perspective and a back-end agent perspective is helpful.
  • Which underlying technology infrastructure do I need? The cloud is a strong, secure platform that can adapt to agents’ needs. The cloud’s resilience, rapid scaling, and ability to deliver a seamless experience lets agents work remotely. Standardized security certifications help protect private information.
  • How can we pull together the technologies? Use one vendor to help design and manage your call center upgrades.

Having the Right People Is Your Largest Competitive Advantage

The best way to level up your government call center is by being able to find talented candidates when you need them. Trust Salem Solutions to find experienced, qualified and professional candidates to meet your call centers needs. Get in touch today!


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