Moving On – Should You Leave The Job You Love?

Have you found yourself working in a role that once provided you with a high degree of satisfaction but that now only leaves you feeling stressed, frustrated, or unfulfilled? If so, you’re definitely not alone. According to a recent survey from the Pew Research Center, around three in ten Americans view their job as merely a temporary stepping stone; something that must be endured but that’s rarely – if ever – actually enjoyed.

Though the lure of leaving their current job to search for something better is strong for these professionals, many ultimately choose job security over the stress and uncertainty of returning to the job search. In some cases, however, dissatisfaction or stress at work can reach a critical capacity. The tricky part is knowing when it’s actually time to leave your current role and look for opportunities elsewhere.

Here are three signs that it might be time to leave your current role:

1. You’re consistently bored while you’re at work.

If you’ve reached a point where you’re no longer being challenged by or engaged with your work, this is a reliable sign that you’ve outgrown your current role.

2. You feel stressed all the time.

On the other hand, it’s possible that the demands of your role have left you feeling utterly and completely depleted. While the occasional stressful experience is an unavoidable side effect of virtually any job, no role should make you feel emotionally, psychologically, or physically exhausted on a daily basis.

3. The culture of your workplace has grown toxic over time.

Life within a particular organization can only be as positive as that organization’s workplace culture. If you and your colleagues work in an environment that’s characterized by harmony, cooperation, support, and open communication, your experiences at work are likely to be predominantly positive. If, on the other hand, there are pervasive feelings of mistrust, resentment, or suppressed creativity, it’s likely that you’ve begun to feel consistently dissatisfied at work.

If you’ve begun to suspect that it might be time for you to leave your current role, it’s important to carefully consider your decision before you leave. There’s no need to be impulsive or foolhardy here. On the other hand, you should always remember that there are other options out there. If your current role is making you feel bored, exhausted, or generally dissatisfied, it might be time to polish up your resume and get started in your search for a new position.

Learn more

Leveraging the resources of a professional staffing agency can help you to find and land a role that will be a great fit for your particular skill set and personality. If you’re ready to find an exciting new role, check us out online today!


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